Thursday, 11 August 2011


The common theme of last night’s meeting appeared to be one of ‘positive change through personal growth’. Men in attendance talked openly of their personal growth journeys and how these had brought about changes in their passions and their purposes in life.

Some Men spoke about how they found as they had become more present within the world, they were met by the world in a more confident and respecting way – as though they had been transformed into giants amongst men.

Others described how their priorities had changed (though in the context of the discussion priorities could be translated as passions). One man spoke about how he had come to feel so alive in his life that suddenly his work and career, something that had always been a priority to him, was now simply a means to an end – the mechanism that provided the resources and support that enabled him to live his life, enjoy his relationships and follow his true purposes.

In embracing this theme of ‘positive change through personal growth’ I have adapted the following article from Sustainable Masculinity by Pip Cornall:

One of the main reasons men are learning to change is that they are discovering new and improved relationships with their partners, their children and their workmates.

As men learn emotional competencies they are more sought after as companions and confidents; attracting quality friends because they are more authentic and compassionate.
Numerous studies show that the happiest people are those with the best relationships. Usually this requires good emotional competencies which form the basis of good partnership skills. Above all, these people are happy with themselves. They learn to like and respect their own self first and foremost – and they learn to do this in the here and now.

Here at Becoming Better Men we have learnt that all positive change requires a shift in personal consciousness first. Consciousness can be defined as an awareness and congruency occurring across the five aspects that comprise a human being; namely our physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual layers. Becoming more conscious as men is vital if we are to grow as authentic men and develop strong and positive relationships with other people and the world we live in.

Today many men are working to change themselves and help others which is re-affirming of our universal potential to create a global culture of peace; re-affirming humanity’s ability to adapt and survive.

For men; re-inventing ourselves by becoming authentic and then helping other men to change one at a time is like adding a dropper of dye to a beaker of water, drop by drop, until suddenly all the water turns the same colour with that colour being a metaphor for the new male paradigm, a true partnership paradigm — partnership with men, women and children of all races, partnership with the environment.

Our next meeting

The next meeting of our Men’s Support Group will take place at the Taranaki Disability Information Centre on Young Street in New Plymouth on Thursday August 25, commencing at 7.15 pm and running though to 9.00pm.

All are welcome.

For further information contact either Garth at 021512628 or Craig at 0275020095 

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